The Elks Hoop Shoot is open to all boys and girls, ages 8-13. Contestants will be assigned an age-group based on the age that they will be on April 1, 2025. Use our Age Calculator to determine your age group.
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Check out the below link for more information about the Hoop Shoot rules and how a contest is held.
Divisions and Age Categories
There are two Hoop Shoot contest divisions, boys and girls, and three age categories in each division:
Boys, ages 8-9 | Girls, ages 8-9 |
Boys, ages 10-11 | Girls, ages 10-11 |
Boys, ages 12-13 | Girls, ages 12-13 |
Contest Rules
1. All contestants must be present and ready to participate at their designated shooting time. In no case may a contestant shoot before or after the designated time. Shooting times are set by the Hoop Shoot Director. Contestants who shoot before or after their designated time will be disqualified. No exceptions.
2. Shooting positions will be drawn randomly. The method is left to the discretion of the Director.
3. All contestants should be allowed 10 minutes to warm up. Warm-ups should take place under the supervision of the contest officials.
4. To start the contest, boys 8 to 9 shoot at one end of the gym and girls 8 to 9 shoot at the opposite end of the gym at the same time. Boys and girls in the 8-to-9 year-old age-group shoot 4 feet in front of the regulation foul line. Use blue painter’s tape to mark the line.
5. A free throw is the opportunity given to the contestant to shoot a basket for score from within the free throw circle and behind the free throw line (except for 8-to-9 year-old contestants, see Rule 4). A free throw begins when the ball is given to the contestant at the free throw line. It ends when the shot is successful; or when it is certain that the shot will not be successful; or when the ball becomes dead.
6. Each contestant, in order of their draw, may have up to five warm-up shots (if desired) and then, will shoot 10 shots for score. The designated line judges should inform the contestant and the scorers that the contestant is shooting for score. This will be the last verbal contact that the judge will have with the contestant.
Upon completing their warm-up shots and 10 shots for score, the contestant will report to the end of the line or sit on a chair until the remaining contestants have completed their warm-ups and 10 shots. After the other contestants have finished shooting, the contestant will shoot 15 shots to complete their 25 shots for score.
7. The line judge should signal made or missed shots to the scorers.
8. Decisions by the Head Scorer, Line Judge, and Hoop Shoot Director are final. No spectators can change a decision made by a contest official.
9. Each free throw attempt shall be made within 10 seconds from the time a contestant is handed the ball. The Line Judge should count 10 seconds, silently or with a 10 count out of the contestants line of vision, for each free throw attempt. If the contestant does not shoot a free throw as defined by Rule 5 within 10 seconds, as determined by the Line Judge, a penalty occurs, and the shot is void. See Rule 11.
10. Contestants must stay behind the foul line until the ball has touched the hoop, backboard or net. If a line violation occurs, a penalty occurs, and the shot is void. See Rule 11.
11. In the event that a foul is committed, the line judge will indicate it by signaling a “T” with his/her hands, signifying that a technical foul has been committed. This should be done in clear view of the contestant and three scorers. Scorers should note a foul with a circled “T.”
12. Ties will be broken in the following sequence: a number of five-shot sets; previous contest score(s) if applicable; coin toss.
The Hoop Shoot Director determines the number of five-shot sets. The Hoop Shoot Director may choose to continue to shoot a series of five shots until the tie is broken and the first-, second- and third-place winners are determined in all six divisions.
During the tie-breaker, contestants will compete in the same shooting order as the regular contest. All tie-breaking shots will be made at the same basket as the previous 25.
In no way can a tie be broken in any other manner except by those described in Rule 12.
13. Any other indiscretion will be left to the judgement of the Hoop Shoot Director.
In the Boys 8-9 and 10-11 age division, the 28.5 size basketball will be used in all levels of competition.
In the 12-13 age division, the basketball will be regulation size, 29.5 inches.
All basketballs, regardless of their size, should:
- Have 7 to 9 lbs. of air pressure
- Have channels and/or seams not exceeding 1/4 inch in width
In the Girls Division, all basketballs used should:
- Be regulation size (official) for girls/women
- Be 28.5 inches in circumference
- Have 7 to 9 lbs. of air pressure
- Have channels and/or seems that do not exceed 1/4 inch in width